Friday, September 2, 2016

Dear future birth mom...

Dear future birth mom to your daughter and to a sister to my sweet baby aka 3 year old-

I am first so excited to welcome you to the most lovely, real, spunky, safe family. I mean for real, you will never have to worry about the health of your baby emotionally or physically. Baby's dad is the most safe daddy you will ever meet, he is almost a nurse, he is a fireman and has the knowledgeable mother as a nurse. AWESOME. Baby's mommy is brilliant too, she is supports confidence, intelligence and kindness everywhere she goes.

These two are down to earth and that brother will be the sweetest brother ever.

I have to say, I always knew there would come a day that there might be another birth mom to join the club in this awesome family and I at first was not looking forward to it until this past year... I have wanted them to get prego or somehow have a baby. I know that this is the right thing. I could feel that it was a girl that you were prego with and I have this peace that everything will go well. I am SO excited to welcome you in and invite you to text me anytime. I am USUALLY a pretty good texter and somewhat good caller and a okay blogger these days but really welcome in.

Your sweet babe will be taken care of and though the pain of placing is unimaginable and unique to every birth mom, you will survive this! You can do hard things. God loves you and loves that sweet spirit inside of you. I feel the love and have been thinking about you off and on.

I want to write a million more things but guess what, my baby needs me. Somehow I am the only one that can put him so sleep these nights. Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who took care of him while I typed this.


Mama Alice

PS- A few weeks ago before I knew you I was at Costco with my husband, our son and my step daughter and we saw the cutest sleepers. I got one for our son and one for his sister and I kept thinking, we know someone who is having a girl but I can't remember who so we got a 12 month one. God looks out for His children and he knows us. When I found out about you I knew who the outfit was for. XO

this isn't the exact one but close.... kinda- ha

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