Thursday, November 21, 2013

yessssssss, I love love


You know I said something in one of my posts about adopting that has really bothered myself. I said that I would never want to adopt because I wouldn't want to do that to a birth mom.

I would be LIVID right now if I knew in my heart as I do  and the parents that have my baby didn't take him and have him and be his parents. I remember the day after I met them and thinking if they don't say yes to this, they are denying the spirit because God has told me SO strongly and this is really how it is meant to be. 

I think baby's mom read this. I think because I just read her post and she said something about it too. I just have to be clear about how I AM SO GRATEFUL! I know that I did have to go through and do go through hurt but I understand that she can't think of taking away me being mom just how I can't say things like I wouldn't want to do that to a birth mom.

SO potential birth mom if I ever adopt and am chosen by you to adopt your baby- I WILL DO ALL I CAN TO BE just like the family I have. I will open my heart, my phone, my email, my life, my little things that I do so you can be so loved just how I feel with them. I will do it 

I feel terrible for the heart ache that you go through but really consequences exist. You can tell me all about them and we can be angry about that together but having this baby boy is the sweetest thing that has happened to me. 

Adoptive mom- the mom who will be babies mom forever- the mom that has my love- the mom that sometimes makes me jealous- the mom who deserves to be a mom- the mom who makes my heart melt- the mom I am going to visit today-

I love you. thank you for letting me help you. Thank you for keeping me busy. I BELIEVE in you. As long as you keep you honey sweet husband your number one and your sweet baby boy who is yours forever your number one. I will love you. I cherish you.

Words don't describe the love I have for you.

You have given me a couple cards. When I was away I carried them with me and I read them often. I needed to remember what I did for baby, you and your husband. I needed to remember your love for me. I think about what you wrote, "we have something much deeper then being friends"

I can't help but think of that often.

I LOVED helping you on Monday. I LOVE LOVED it. 

I obviously just read your blog post but I also don't think you know how much it helped me.


Monday night I went to a friends thing and after it was raining and I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go clean my house and be alone. I could feel the depression caving in. I could feel myself trying to FIGHT it. I called everyone and nobody answered. Called again, nothing. The words of the babies mom went through my head, "call whenever you need to come over"  I kept thinking, I will fight this. I went to the library and picked up 15 movies. Pretty good ones I must say. I could still feel the clouds coming into my heart and feel the long night ahead. 

I called the mom.

I drove and met her at her school. She was dressed just so cute. Her nike sweat pants I love and her shirt and fleece hoody. She just flustered. I couldn't wait to help her. I really loved it. I loved helping and forgetting about how lonely I am (lonely without a husband and yes a baby but the husband needs to come first) (baby, I love and miss you but I know you belong with your parents and I have once wanted to steal you back but it was againisht everything I fought for and out of selfishness, you belong with them, IT BURNS MY SPIRIT writing this) 

Seeing her, helping her, seeing her raw. Seeing her mad, seeing her just love love her students and hear her thoughts because she was going to tell me. I didn't let her tell me scary stories about the elementary,I would never be able to handle it. 

I LOVED helping you. Thanks for letting me talk to you on my drive home. I NEEDED it. Thanks for laughing and for knowing the intents of my  heart. 


I am eternally grateful for your love and I am so grateful you are babies mom. Thanks for being so great. You melt me.  

SEE YOU TODAY! I am really excited to see you guys, like see you like you are my friend and you have a baby. I am so healthy and content. I love feeling like this. 


Monday, November 18, 2013

0 or 20

“They had always dreamed of a large family but have now realized that they would be equally blessed to have even one child.” 
― Jane GreenAnother Piece of My Heart

I was just reading quotes about adoption and remembered this from my date on Friday. Best date ever. I want the guy to be my bestie. He doesn't know I am a birth mom

We were playing would you rather.

He asked would you rather have zero kids or 20?

Easy answer- 20

He didn't like how easy that was for me to answer.

He asked again, how about 1 or 20?

Easy answer- 20

He then said okay how about 1 or 14 and you can adopt.

I told him I would never adopt. I would rather go through 14 years of being pregnant then ever adopt. Adopting is amazing but I just don't want to ever take a baby from a mom. I really think I would die. I haven't ever thought about this that much. I am SO grateful that they took the baby from me. They aren't baby stealers. Especially with our story, I haven't  shared that on here, I don't think. I don't want to. BUT they loved me so much to take him. Although I can see how... okay but I really would want to be the adoptive mom that they are for me... this is coming off wrong. I also like this quote.

“Some adventures should never be repeated.” 
― Mike L. HopperThe Wayward Gifted: Broken Point

I think this sums it up for me. I know some people have to adopt and adopt some more. I like this quote

“Even though you weren't born to us, you grew in our hearts. We will be forever connected because love is what makes a family.” 
― Deanna KahlerFrom Pain to Parenthood: A Journey Through Miscarriage to Adoption

I really wish I could have millions of kids and populate the world. I can't. I did it once. Once is more then enough.

My mom said something else. She said you loved the babies mom and that is why you did that for her. She said having the baby is the easy part. I really think so too. Babies mom and dad DO SO MUCH for baby. They really do. I am eternally grateful for the love they have for him. He isn't their blood son but honestly. In some pictures I do see them in him. I wish I could take away their heart ache.

The mom sent me the nicest text. I keep replaying it over and over in my head. We will be your anchor if you will be ours. You are my anchor. Thank you. I think of you all at least once a day.

I really hope I didn't say anything offensive. I have some half thoughts on here.

I also must say, I am sad I don't get a husband to talk about this with. I am grateful I have my friends to talk to. Thank you, mom, sister, friends, adoptive couple.



I have been thinking about the book. Am I willing to write a book? Can I commit myself to that?

My selfish reasons is more time with the mom. She is amazing. I love her.

second, do I want to be alice or do I want to be me?

I want to research this sometime.

Birth moms blogs  I started reading. I like her.

thoughts on adoption

2429 page views

I can't stop thinking about what the mom and I talked about.

I can't tell you how much i love the babies mom. She is soooo lovely. I love how much she loves me and she is so perfect at it. She wrote a post about placement and I love the love she had for baby boy and for me. I can't stop think about the things she wrote about and has stuck into my mind. Why is my heart break her joy and why is that allowed. Why is that? I think my heart did break the day of placement. I don't want to even know the date. I can't have another number to haunt me.

Adoption is not SO COOL.

She talked about how this mother of three said to her, I wish I could adopt.

I think about what goes through her head.

We are both so fragile still. I am jealous of her. I wan to wake up in the night and see baby roll for the first time. I want to burp him and I want to hear him laugh. I want to kiss him every day.

She wants to know what it feels like to have him kick her in the side and to flinch.

With her I am so glad she lets me tell her how I loved to rub his right foot. I LOVED it. I still think it calms him down. I also think about how I got to have him. IT IS ALL I HAVE.

I think the things that makes adoption look cool are from the mother and father who adopt.

What I use to think about adoption

  1. The birth mom is a slut and couldn't take care of the baby and the family saved that baby
  2. The family couldn't have children and then they choose to adopt
  3. The parents are so lucky
  4. The birth mom just squatted down, had a baby and went on with her life. It didn't impact her and she just carried on never to think about the baby or anyone else again
  5. The birth mom didn't deserve the baby
  6. The poor baby who is adopted and I wonder if he knows his family
  7. the poor baby who doesn't look like his family
  8. The poor parents who don't look like their baby
  9. It would be so cool to have 10 babies from all over the world
  10. There is no heart ache because they got their baby and that is all that matters. The pain isn't associated.
  11. It is easy to adopt
  12. Right when you adopt you get prego because that is all you needed to do is stop worrying about it
  13. I can fix you
  14. The birth mom didn't love you and she "gave you up" (GRRR This makes me mad)
  15. Why didn't the birth mom just control herself, she did it to herself ( this breaks my heart that I thought that and think that about myself)
  16. It is honorable that she went through with the pregnancy and didn't do abortion
  17. She Loved that baby before his was born and loved him enough to give him (BE SURE TO ALWAYS SAY PLACE) him or her in a good home
  18. How did that couple qualify for adoption
  19. there is a reason some people can't have children and they shouldn't have been able to have children (How could i have EVER thought this? I know I am a horid person. Good thing I am changing)
  20. The more honest a relationship with the baby the better.
  21. I wish I was adopted ( I really did wish I was adopted. I wanted to be "cool" and I read a lot of books growing up about girls who were adopted. I even thought i was and my parents didn't tell me)
  22. Adoption isn't cool
  23. I have  a leader who was date raped. I use to be a little judgmental of her too. I use to think, why didn't she listen to the spirit. That is what she taught us from that lesson. To listen. Now my heart aches for her. I want to wrap my arms around her. I want to see how she is. I want to know how she does it. I never want her to know I didn't listen to the spirit.
Of course I didn't think this about everyone. I rarely thought about the birth mom. I would only see the result of the adoption. I had a cousin who was adopted and he needs more love and he is in his 30s. I think about the affect everything has on me. 

I REALLY want to talk everything over with the babies mom. The adoptive mom. 

I AM SO SO SO PROTECTIVE OF HER. I love her. I love that she loves me so much and is willing to go outside the norm. I feel so selfish. She is SO SO SO busy but all I want to do is be around her. 

I actually am slightly mad at myself. She would offer herself all the time when I was prego and alone. I would text her and she would say, do you want me to come over? I felt like a burden and I would always say no. Now I can't stop thinking about this and hopefully writing this down I will feel better but, ALICE WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE HER SLEEP NEXT TO YOU!? I wish she could have slept next to me in my tiny full bed. I wish I could have talked to her when I woke up. I wish I could have had her feel baby in me from 5-6. I feel terrible now. My lesson learned is forget yourself. I am so irritated with myself. I wish HAHA this is so gross but I feel like this. I wish I could have showed her my body and I want to stand naked for her. I want her to see what my body looks like. I want her to look at my stretch marks and imagine them on her. I want her to see my boob when I would squeeze it together and milk would come out. I want her to see what that looks like. I was always so curious. I love that I get to watch my sister pump for her babies. I love watching her nipples go in and out and release that milk. I LOVE IT in the most curious, loving happy way ever. I love watching mothers breast feed. IT IS SO PRETTY. I use to be uncomfortable. Now I want to see it. I love it. I do feel grateful I get to feed baby his bottle. I am so happy I get to feed him. 

I am so happy that baby and his mom did skin to skin. I couldn't ask her about it till maybe 2 weeks ago. It was to sad for me to ask. She did. I am so happy for her. 

What I think now about adoption
  1. How many years of heart ache did you go through till you could decided to adopt?
  2. Do you still hurt?
  3. How many periods did you just want to die with the egg that wasn't fertilized
  4. When you see a family with a baby, how much does your heart break? For the adoptive couple or anything. 
  5. Life is so fragile _ I bought a snake and I COULDN'T"T believe that I would take a snake away from his mom and his brothers and sisters. It really was a confection in me I have never associated with before.
  6. Every time I hear about a adoption I IMMEDIATELY think about the heart ache of the birth mom, How is she? Did she decided? Is she okay? Is she loved? Does she feel heard?
  7. Are you good to your birth mom
  8. Do you love your baby and never regret having him the way you do?
  9. Do you pray for charity and love so you can love them? 
  10. Does the baby hate his birth mom?
  11. I LOATHE< I HATE the birth dad. He did this to her.
  12. I HAVE AN INSTANT love for anyone in adoption. 
  13. I see or should say I feel the beauty. My heart and the spirit tells me that adoption is a beautiful thing
  14. I want to ask a million questions but I try to hold it in and listen to what the spirit wants me to do.

I am emotionally exhausted and I haven't even got to talk about the other things I want to share. 

I have beat depression for a few days now. Since I saw the baby. Since the mom said I can hold him anytime I need to. I have been SO good too. I haven't been doing anything I shouldn't.... I think it and then I think I want to be physically close. Then I think babies mom said I can come over and I think, do I really need to interrupt their day to solve this or can I be strong. I have been strong. 

OH I want to write about this too.

Over the past month I can tell you every time someone has touched me. Grabbed my shoulder, hugged me, kissed my cheek, my lips, touched my elbow, bumped into me. I have felt it. TOUCH is so important. I can tell you that the babies touch. MY BABY BOY ( i still feel selfish saying that, is his really mine?) my baby boy, the spirit is burning in my heart. hmmm The baby is my facorite to touch. He is my facorite to stare at. 

Oh my cousin told me she forgives me yesterday. VERRRY unique. She forgives my sin. I am not sure what is going on but it doesn't really bother me. I don't need to be forgiven by her but I think she is to delicite right now to talk to her about it.

She talked about me during her church talk. She called me Sally. LOL I like the name Alice better. She sent me the talk. It was VERY interesting. Her perspective is I did a sin.

I think she is missing it. She misses that I was forgiven long ago. I feel like she came around me with stones. She was ready to throw them. Then it hit her.... she forgave me. We are to forgive all men. It is just unreal. I can't wrap my head around that. 

To everyone reading and I don't know you because I haven't given this blog address to people in AZ I love you. I love you for caring. I am not sure why you are reading. I don't know why anyone reads it.

Do you read because you are an adoptive mom?
Do you read because you care about me?
Do you read because you are helping someone who is a birth mom?
Are you a birth mom?
Are you pregnant?
Do you enjoy reading?
Do you read because you laugh at me?
Do you read because you are my babies mom?
Do you read because you are my friend and you don't want to talk to me about it and I don't bring it up but you care? I would like to think so/

This weekend my sister got mad at me for waiting to tell her. It wasn't that I based my friendship off of if I told you or not. It wasn't like that. I didn't tell people because I wanted to hide it. I wanted to get use to it. I wanted time to me. I wanted it to by my choice. I didn't want to hear it from anyone else.

I really did think about single parenting.

This morning my mom talked about what the birth dad should have done. She is going through grief. She is in the stage of what if this or what if that.

She is actualy opening her heart to the couple. I LOVE IT. It is what i pray for. 

She says the hardest day was saying goodbye to you baby.

I love to whisper in your ear baby. I love to tell you how much I love you.

I love you, I love your mommy and I love your daddy.

Babies mom, I don't tell you this but thanks for sharing the mama name with me. I love you. Your heart is so pure. I am lucky to have you.

Mama Alice

Thursday, November 14, 2013

innocent till proven guilty

I can't help but feel guilty about my blog and to know what my motive is. Why do I write?

I write to help me. I write to hope that one day if the baby wants to know he can and I write telling him I love him.

I go through all of this for HIM> I love him .All of it is worth it.

Today's lunch was great. I loved how the dad was SUPER loving. I was so harsh on him in the depression choosing to hate someone. It is as I talked to babies mom about, it is because he is a man. I need better relationships with men. I am so grateful for babies dad. HE IS SO SO SO GREAT> I mean I compared him to Jesus last time. He really melts my heart.

He gave me a blessing today.

I LOVED IT> He told me I am going through a hard time and listed off the things. He talked about me being a missionary in the gospel and I do have people in my life I can be missionaries to. I am going to do it.

I also was told to lean on the spirit. I find that so interesting because I just blogged about that. Isn't that great.


He also said your son loves you and is taken care of.

I held baby the whole time. It was the best.

I stayed longer then I should have but it was so healing. I want to talk to the babies mom more often. She is just so great. I want her time but I feel guilty stealing her time.

When I was over the depression was vanished. I felt free.

I cried a little when I was driving in to see them. I miss their dog. I really did cry. I just could have sobbed and I only cried.

Through the pregnancy I only cried 7 times. I cry ALL THE TIME now. I have turned into a crier. I like it. It suits me.

I want to make brownies for the dad. He just melts my heart and I love him.

I want to hold the baby forever. He spit up on me and I smell like it.

We talked about how the mom hurts when I talk about how when the baby was in me I liked to play with his foot. I stole that from her but I do think it is okay. It is sad and I really could cry if I think about it long enough. I want her to be prego so so so much.

She also talked about writing a book.

What topics would you want to know about:?

I asked my assistant- this is what he said.

  1. common misconceptions about adoption
  2. this is difficult
  3. this is not
I agree with her when she didn't really say but someone went up to her and said that they wish they could adopt and they have three biological children.


You don't say that. You do not say anything of the such. I want to help them understand why that is hurtful.

That is the sad thing- people commonly don't know that I placed a baby. Sometimes I don't like people to know.

It would be fun to write a book with her. Bonus being I get to heal as I write it and then talk to her which I want to just be around her all the time. She is just wonderful. But she deserves to have her time. 

Little boy,
I got to hold you today. I am not mad at all that you spit up all over on me through 3 layers and then now I smell like you. I LOVED it. I was melted by your laughs and giggles. We ate lunch. Well I held you and your parents ate lunch.... You stick straight up. You held my hand and you rowed like in circles. You were SO SO SO cute. Your dad loves you. I like seeing you two together. He doesn't like being away from you. He made you laugh and when you laugh you have the cutest little kiiiiisssshhhhh in the back of your mouth. It is so cute. Your daddy makes you laugh and I love it. I placed you in the right place. You are so happy. I also got to see you roll over. I loved watching you.You let me put your face up to yours and I really like it. 

You know i love you.

I have loved you since I found out I was pregnant. 

I love you because I love Jesus and the love I get is from Him.

You are a miracle in many ways like you take away the pain and anger from my heart and make me love life again. You make me want to touch everyone and make everyone happy. It is so motivating. Do you know why your my favorite because you are so cute and happy and you are mine forever.

I am going to CHOOSE to be happy today. I got to hold you as I put you in your bed. Isn't your mom and dad nice? I love them. They are so great to me and they are LOVE.


Alice your mama Al

Dear depression

2366 views, 87 views to my blog today. THAT IS INSANE

Dear depression,

You are not going to win. I am not sure how or why you came back since my miracle on Saturday and I know GOD LOVES ME> I can't deny that. There are to many miracles. but guess what. You aren't going to win. I have so many wonderful friends and family. You aren't going to win.

This morning I told my mom how I was going to lunch with the baby and his family and she said oh that will be good. ____ THIS IS A MIRACLE. She never says these things. I am glad she sees that openness is really good for me and my situation.

I love the babies dad. I love him. I am not sure exactly what I would be thinking if it weren't for him. On Friday I was at a level 10 for depression. It was HORID. I feel like I can't seem to distract myself from the depression. Saturday after the babies dad came over, I was at a zeron. Sunday I was at a zeron. Monday, I was at a zero, Tuesday I went to a 4 and today I am at a 6. I am not to the point where I want to do the things on my list like steal the baby back or kill my snake or go do something for a thrill. I am thank GOODNESS beyond that right now. I am at a 6.

I am going to beat you depression.

Today I beat you when I woke up from the worst dream and I called my mom. I beat you.

I beat you when I went to the gym.

I beat you when I talked to my mom about good things in life and how I can make more guy friends who could potentially be my lover... once I beat this awful depression.

I beat you when I put my make up on.

I beat you when I wore clothes that make me feel good.

I beat you when I came to work.

I beat you when I worked.

I beat you when I made a plan.

You may have beat me a little when I asked the family if they were sure if they wanted a sad person like me to come over.

They helped me beat you when they told me they love me and will be my anchor while I go through this.


I need a temple buddy.

I need a set schedule of someone to be with every single day.

I can't be alone.

I will beat depression. I will beat you.

I am beating you. I feel about a 5.

I don't have clamydia, I don't have any STD that I am aware of. I provided a healthy body for  a baby, my baby boy to grow in.

I do feel selfish calling him mine. It must be something with the depression.

He is mine, right?

I dunno. One more thing to talk about with my caseworker.

Depression, come here. Come here, look me in the eyes. Yes, I am going to beat you. I feel like I have got it down to a 4 now.

I read the card that the babies dad wrote me this morning. I beat you depression.

I deleted the messages that these boys send me that make me feel like doing naughty things. I DID IT. I beat you depression and I am on the Lords team.

WIth the Lord I can do anything. I will do anything. We will do anything. I want to do what he wants me to do.

(I just got a text from babies mom, I love her)

I think the depression is at a one. I know God lives. I know he has a Son that was able to bring us all back to him. I know that the Spirit and though it is a hard job His presence can be with me to guide me because I chose to follow the path Jesus made as he was on earth. He made this path for us and I did it. I followed. I know the Spirit at times can't be with me and I don't let it be with me. Sometimes even when I am sad the spirit is with me. He tells me it will be okay and work out. Sometimes I shove the spirit out and sometimes I tell it to come back. Spirit. I know you are in my heart right now. I am at a zero. I KNOW THERE IS HEALING POWER IN OUR THOUGHTS. Only I CAN choose to get rid of it. Sometimes I can't do this like last week.

I am happy, I beat depression for this hour and I will fight it today.

I have my gloves on. I will take you down.

Dear depression, you won't win.

Jesus always wins.

Love your friendly Alice. who is beaming on the inside.

Whoever reads this, thank you for reading. WE CAN DO IT!

BTW, I have a testimony of adoption. This is a beautiful way with no answers that God reaches into our souls. I don't like infertility.

Babies mom- this is about you and it isn't bad but it shows me love I have for you and I dunno. Maybe you won't want to read it.

I have already been praying for the month I want the babies mom to get pregnant. She will get pregnant this month. She will. I am fasting, praying and I feel a burning in me. SHE WILL! Heavenly Father, please give me that gift. I will do anything for that. It will heal me if she can only get pregnant at this certain month. I will wait 4 months for her to tell me that she is or isn't after this certain time.

If she doesn't get pregnant then, maybe it will be the next time this month comes around but I think this certain month feels really good, I can't receive inspiration but it is something I look forward to.

I better talk to my caseworker about that too. Is it healthy for me to do that?

One more thing, I don't want to forget this either.

That babies dad gave me flowers on Saturday. When I am home I take them with me to each room. I take them with me to the bathroom, I take them with me to the kitchen. They are on my bedside as I am sleeping. I have to take them with me. They remind me of the love  his has for me. I know the babies mom loves me but i need a male in my life to love me and that is her husband. SHe is so unselfish. I don't quite get it.

The friend didn't tell me today that she thinks that the family is perfect. I am so glad. I do think they are mostly perfect but can't I be the one to say that?

Okay so I wish I would have brought the flowers with me to work. I have been taking his card with me but I have it tucked in a book so it doesn't bend and my back is hurting so for now I just switched for the very first time a picture on my background of the baby and me on my phone. It is from Halloween and I have a wig on and the baby has a pumpkin outfit on.

He is the cutest pumpkin.

Last night was the first time I could look at facebook and she the pictures of baby boy on the 8th for his 4 months. There was the cutest video.

Sometimes when I look at facebook I think. I those were supposed to be my comments. Those were supposed to be my videos. Other times I think those are the families. Most of the time I think that. Sometimes I can't even read the comments. They hurt to much.

It really is like I am going through infertility. I am mad, I feel like I can't find love, I feel like something is wrong with me. I am mad at God for not giving me a husband, I am mad at my husband for not finding me. I am feeling like I can't have children of my own. I feel powerless, I feel like there is a secret out there. I can't STAND IT WHEN people tell me what they think I should do to find a husband yet that is all I ask about HAHAHAHA oh I do kinda like it though.

2 weekends ago I met this lady. She is a mom to an adorable boy who married a girl and the girl had a baby and placed the baby and now is having her own baby. Come to think about it. That is when I started getting depressed. HUH. It must have stemed from seeing her happy but she is in the Lords timetable and years away from placing her baby.

OKAY just got a text from my friend. she placed her baby and she said she was sad and depressed for about 6 months. HOLY MOLY! WOW... I dunno if I can do this.YES I CAN! I will beat it. It is okay to be sad just not depressed and dying. Which I am not right this second.

Okay so this lady went into her bishop and started bawling and telling him she didn't want to be alone and then she went to this firside and met this guy who only wanted to be friends, he had cancer and he didn't want anything more then friends. Then a few months later he asked her to marry him and she did. She said she lived more in those 5 years of life then ever before. They went on trips and basked in anothers love.

Doesn't that melt your heart?

Doesn't it make you want to serve your spouse?

Doesn't that make you want to never think ill again?

It does me.

My friend texted me again and she just said that when she got a blessing it said it is your choice to be sad and you can be happy, it is your choice and stop thinking about you and get out there and focus on other people and serve others.

I am so blessed. I really do feel like I am at a zero of depression.

I am so glad because when I go visit the baby I want to be happy.

I do have a purpose. I live for is him. My baby, the little boy that kicked me, the little boy that flinced inside of me, the little boy that came out like Tarzan. I live for him because I want him to know he comes from good roots. I will make good choices for him.

The other thing I live for is Jesus. He loves me always.

I also live for my future children.

I had a dream last night and I think one of my future children was in it. It was a scary dream. I think the thing is my future children do come and cheer for me. They come and say GO MOM GO. They tell me to keep my chin up.


I am waiting for you future child.

Future husband, I am kinda mad at you. WHY ARE YOU SO HARD TO FIND!? I do live for you.

I will be so good to you.

I will love you and I will fluff your pilow and I will rub your feet, I will make you dinner. I will have babies for you (unless something happens then I am sorry if one of us can't have children. I will still love you and we will look into options, I am not and will never be mad at you for that. and we will try so hard to not get mad at God. We will tell God that we are grateful we found another and then we will ask my sister if she will give us one of her tiwns. ;0 JUST KIDDING. but we will find someone and maybe your brother will give us one of his sperm? I dunno but we will be fine. We will make it. We will pray to know what to do. We will go to the temple and we will find the peace that we are promised. I hope that we can do that. oh PPPPPLEASE if I have to go through this again, not being able to have a baby I will just BEAT IT>! I hope I don't have to go through it with my family... like my first sons family)

Well I am kinda happy and more happy then I have been since Tuesday.

I love you. I love that you care to read this and that you will read it. It is depressing.

If it hurts you please stop reading. I don't need the views if your heart breaks. My heart is mostly happy.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


In a class I was taking I was learning about the commandments. I have been thinking about this because I think what are my motives. I am slightly depressed still. I think Saturday was truly amazing but it still doesn't take off the edge of being alone.

I don't like seeing happy people or people with babies. I think that's the hardest part about being Alice. I loose the fact that when I am me, I am not the woman who had a baby. I am hiding a big part of me although it is sacred.

I am slightly ashamed of my feelings. Especially the negative things I write.

I don't know if my baby will ever read this but I feel bad that he will know about how much my heart ached for him. I wanted to be with him at every second. It still aches for him. I wonder when it will leave. I wonder if I will really ever have my own family.

Tonight I told a guy that I feel like he deceived me. I told him I thought he wanted to be friends and he doesn't he wants to talk to me on the phone but never meet up. I am so terribly alone. I can't just talk on the phone as I got off I texted a few of my other friends and was laying in my bed so sad and grieving the loss of another friend when I got a call from a lady from church. She is older then my mom but she invited me over to watch CSI and criminal minds.

I love this. This was a miracle sent from the heavens above.

Today I went to the chiropractor. 78 dollars to find another consequence of breaking the law of Chasity. My SI has swollen and needs to be broken down so I can move it. It is from being prego. I have 2 more treatments. When I start to think that it is over... it isn't. Depressed and sad and joint and nerve pinching from the stuff loosing up my joints and then scar tissue getting in there and yadda. It is okay. It was worth it for the cutest baby ever. The best consequence of my breaking the law of Chasity is getting a baby even if I only see him a tiny speck of his life. I love his parents. I think in order for me to recover and be a better me I needed them in my life.

So, my back is not feeling great. It is not fun. Walking is slightly painful and everything. I can still go to the gym so that is great news. I just want to loose 20 pounds by January. I really need to get going on that.

SO  the commandments. The firsts are the great commandment to Love God and the others are to love our neighbors. So if we break the top 4 aren't we saying we don't love God and if we break the bottom 6 aren't we saying we don't love God by our actions.

I don't understand where my desire to use my body to make my hate, anger and depression belong. I love my God. I want Him to love me. But because I have nobody to snuggle up to and nobody who flirts with me and nobody to hold is that my rebellion showing that I don't love God?

I rebel because I am not loved.

I have blessings all around but at these dark times like last night. I rebelled. I texted guys who I know will give me negative attention. Does that mean I don't love God?

I am not sure where that all fits. 

The other thing, I feel like Christ came and was with me Saturday. Yet it has been these few days and I am already down in the dumps again? 

I am so rash. 

I am so quickly hurt.

I need love but I don't know where to find it. I want to give my full hearts love and can't find someone I want to give it to.

I am picky. I do get guys who attempt to flirt with me but I can find something wrong with them in an instant. 

I keep thinking that things will work out if I complain more. 

Nothing has worked out.

For a few days I was OKAY with being alone.

Now I am back to being mad again.

I keep reading the card that the babies dad wrote me. It really helps. I carry it with me and I read and ready it. I feel his love through it. Somehow him telling me I will be a mother and a wife and that I am beautiful it helps. I think my friend ... who is going to be moving. I know everyone i know leaves me (she is moving about 2 hours away) she thought it was kinda strange how he came over and that he just was there for me. 

I need this. 

I need a man to be my guide. I need him to take me shooting and to be there for me. 

I need a dad but he isn't humble like my babies dad. 

One day I hope to have another baby and be able to come back and read this and think about my husband. For now I will just imagine him.

He will be so handsome to me. I really don't want to marry a guy who every girl thinks is good looking. I don't want that. I want him to be so handsome and mouth watering for me. Like on shallow hal and he sees people on the inside pretty, I want that for my honey.

I want him to care so much about me, he reads this blog. If you ever read this husband. I am sorry I didn' thave the faith to hold out for you sometimes and please forgive me.

I am sure you will make me less crazy.

I am kinda bored with that. I don't have the hope I will marry him so ya...

On the best note I get to see my babbbbby tomorrow. I feel weird calling him my baby. I don't know why. It makes me feel selfish. Like he isn't mine but he is ours lol. He is his parents, I think I am just going through a hard time and I wish I wasn't but I am. 

I wish my snake wasn't dying. 

I hope nothing happens and I still get to see them tomorrow.

I sometimes forget that even though they have a baby, they have hard days too. 

I like it when they lean on me through their hard times, it gives me purpose. 

I am working on not texting men who only want me for my body. I am working on only giving men attention who are lovers of the commandments which means lovers of God and their neighbors.

I am working on loving me. 

I am working on not searching for men who I can rescue.... that is hard.

I am working on not getting mad everytime friend says, "The baby was meant to be theirs and you couldn't ask for better parents"

It hurts my spirit everytime and she said it at 4 today and I still feel the sting that I am not good enough to be his mom. I am not good enough. 

Oh great, I am so depressed again.

maybe I should stop talking to her for a while. I hurt.

Will I ever be good enough or should i just leave this path I am on? Will I ever make it? Will I ever be someone that can be perfect enough? 

Maybe I give up now??

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Saturday, a few last drops, “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.”

Saturday I woke up and went to the gym. Same thing I have done every morning the past 5 days but today my friend Annie was coming. I picked her up and we went, it was GREAT and on her way home she started talking about labor and having babies and what it would be like to have a baby. INSTANTLY depressed again or recognizing that it was still with me. I went home knowing I was going to see my parents and sister I didn't know if I would have it in me. Could I really do this.

I showered and as I was putting on sacred things that is an outward sign of my inward commitment to God I thought about not wearing these things. As I was putting them on I thought these are my last drops. This is my last drop of oil I have to have the faith to put these on. The story of the ten virgins flashed into my mind.

See the virgins below, see the turmoil.. feel it? They were on their last drops....

I was packing and getting Christmas gifts ready to give to my sister and her fam and I was just miserable. I didn't want to go and I know I was taking my time. I loaded up and was carrying things out to my car I thought to myself if anyone were to see me right now they would think that I was a pack camel. Little did I know, someone was accross the parking lot watching me as he walked over to my door.

I went back in and didn't shut the door all the way. I was going to be grabbing my purse and my front seat items and running out the door.


Who would be at my door? I was just outside.

"Come in" nothing.... hmmmmm they had to have seen my door was cracked, nobody knocks on my door and nobody told me they are coming over.... who could possibly be knocking... my neighbors? Why wouldn't they come in, maybe they didn't hear me.

"Come in"

I went around to open the door from being cracked and I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED> Right at first I though who is this because he had flowers in his hands and he is tall and I don't know anyone tall and.... it's the babies dad. I looked at him and as we know from this week I have been very angry with life and that including him and I want to blame him for some of my hurt. I just looked for a second probably unnoticed and said, "hi, you read my blog huh?"

He gave me the flowers and I didn't know what to do. Why was he here.... what was he going to say, why did I ever publish such horrible things about a human. He said something like yup babies mom read me your blog. my heart hit the floor.


He asked if he could hug me and he said, "like a long hug" He just held me. This tall giant, toned, no love handles kind of man. He just held me for about 30 seconds I would say and I was lightly sobbin in the soft side of his elbow.  It was so divine and inspired.

Feeling panic and trying to hide being uncomfortable I put the flowers in a vase with water and kinda cleaning up the kitchen counter that had a list of 35 things I was going to do last night like bleach my fish and get pregnant again and steal the baby back and depression quotes I found online and printed out.... embarrassing!!

He asked," are you just leaving somewhere and I responded that I was... he said "can you sit down and talk for a bit. I was like yeah that is fine. I sat down on the top of the bar and he sat at my right.

I sobbed a little, I was in shock.

He said he wanted to talk to me about some things.

Oh how I wish I could have recorded this... this doesn't do justice for the magical hour.

He told me how his relationship is with babies mom and really, that is private. Basically, he doesn't doa good job at telling, he likes to gift give and when they are in a disagreement he always loves her purely... He gave me a note to read that he wrote this week to her. 4 pages note. ;) Halfway through reading I thought I hope I am not in this letter, I wasn't and I was SO SO SO glad I wasn't. I love that they have a relationship alone, together. I feel so strongly that it is important that they love another beyond baby and beyond everything. THEY ARE the most important things to another. The baby will be blessed by their love for another far more then any love towards me or him which fortunetly they have an abundance of love for him and me thank goodness. It was VERY GOOD for me to talk with him. He told me about loosing his dog this week (which I wrote about earlier and felt embarrassed about again) and how nice it was to have his baby there. He could love on him and kiss him and he would smile and laugh. Baby boy is just cute.

He told me how "your son is now in our home and you will never go away, you will always be apart of us" I said even if I move he said we will always see you again. He told me that when the baby is sealed he feels like that is bringing us closer. I need to ponder this more but I REALLY LIKED thAT. We talked about eternal families and he melted my heart.

He told me that when I came over and carved pumpkins last week he wishes that I could come over more often. I loved that. I needed to hear that. I told him I come as often as I can because I am so busy.

He said that loves me and thinks of me as a friend. He doesn't have any friends besides one friend. I told him I really like that about him because I think that helps him to focus on his lovely wife and baby. He told me about his one friend that he has. He said he will be the babies best friend or the baby will be his best friend or basically both. ;) He can't wait to do things with the baby.

He told me about a high adventure trip he did when he lived in a tropical place and did all this amazing stuff.

He told me how horrible he feels because he is going to school and his wife is working ( i loved that he was being so RAW with me.)

He told me that whenever I need a blessing whatever the time to call for one and if we need to go out and do things once in a while that he would go with me and do things and asked about what I like to do. He told me about how he loved his pet lizard, something with a charmoile?.. i don't remember and how when it was dying his tongue fell out and he would roll up the tongue to put it back in. He even did the movements to show me. (I loved it and laughed a little) HE loves animals and he really showed me that side.

He let me read a letter he wrote his wife and my sweet baby boys mom. He listed off in the letter things he wants to work on.


We talked a long time.

I don't remember what or why this happened but he grabbed my hands in his and he said something..... I obviously was so in shock he would grab both of my hands..... I wish I could find a picture of this. I felt an overwhelming love.

It felt like these pictures mixed into one. The top one because we do have a special connection and though we will never hold hands like this probably again I felt like it was him telling me of my worth and of the love he has for me all in one movement. The picture below because I need help and he is as I would love my grandpa. I haven't ever had one on the earth while I have been alive but I feel like it would be a deep love like I have for the babies dad.

Like I said, he said some things that I don't remember. Whatever it was, it was perfect.

He kept saying sometimes he says things that hurts peoples feelings and it is the wrong time. I loved this. He was being humble. He was out of the box.

He talked to me about what it will be like when I start dating someone, which seems like 6 months- whenever God thinks and i think it is the right timing. I need to align with God. 

I wonder what I could do better for the family because they are to perfect for me. 

Okay, back to babies dad. SO he told me whenever I need him. I can call him and he will hug me or we can go on a walk and talk and that we could go to the cross fit gym together. He said Your not my wife but your my sons mom and I want to be here for you. or something like that.




I drove to meet my family and I didn't feel one ounce of depression. I felt like me again. Like I can do this. I can accomplish the world. I felt like the birth mom I have been and the righteous one. The virgin Mary feeling and not the woman that needed to be stoned. 

I think the best way to put it is I feel like Jesus Christ himself came to me. 

It was Jesus Who knocked. It was Jesus that walked through those doors. It was Jesus who hugged me. It was Jesus who held my hands. It was Jesus who healed me. 


It is these two images mixed. but better then this but there isn't an image I can find. 

I can't get this out of my head.

      “You Are My Hands”

Second Counselor in the First Presidency

I am  the most overly lucky woman and birth mom. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to say cruel things and end up having a spiritual experience. This was just amazing.

It was like HE was saying you aren't forgotten Alice. You aren't forgotten.

Here is the babies dad who I have not bonded with completely. Yes, I have teased him. Yes I have seen him once and a while. Yes, I know he is SUPPOSED to be the babies dad and yes I have always loved him. Yes, I know he is grateful but this is NOT NORMAL. 

I kept telling him sorry about what I wrote and he dismissed it. That is NOT WHY he came over. He came over because he really does love me. 

I kept picturing their house before he came over. 

He said that babies mom read this blog and said babies dad you need to hear something. Alice wrote about you. He said, do I need to sit down? and she said I think you better. So he sat down and he listened. He said that he wanted to instantly go get me flowers and come over and that she said ( I love that it wasn't her idea) She said according to him that she didn't know if that was a little to forward or good idea.

He gave me the best card. I waited a while to read it but it was so nice I read it twice. 

I feel like I saw Jesus. I can't help but say that. 

I don't think it is blasphemy. I really feel like I could tell people, HE LIVES, HE LOVES US> God so loved the world that HE SENT HIS SON. I KNOW BECAUSE I SAW HIM through my babies dad. 

My friend said, this is not normal Alice. I am not sure why she tells me this. I feel grateful but I must say, it isn't normal. People aren't humble like this.

On my long drive to meet my family I kept thinking about this over and over and then I thought ,I hope this is all okay with the mom. I called her. I tried to resist for hours but couldn't hold it in. The phone rang and rang and rang and then she said hi and i was so shocked I said hello, I thought it was going to be your voicemail. She was cleaning the blinds. Isn't she just perfect?

I really think she is. 

So, I talked to her and told her and she said she is fine just if we go shooting she wants to come. LOL. 

I feel like I don't deserve this. I feel like I am the most lucky woman in the world. 

You know what else I love. I love myself again and I know what it feels like to be the recipient of charity. The pure love of Jesus Christ. 

I feel like i have been healed. 

Babies Dad,

You saved me. You SAVED SAVED ME. I don't really know why I wasn't ready to be saved by you before this week and why I had to hate you to love you so deeply but now I am going to make you brownies everyday ;) 

I did want to make you brownies after your darling dog died but I was just over scheduled. 

I never thought that I needed a man so much but I DO. I need a man that I can reach to and it to be comfortable talking with this stuff with.

I do. 

I admit it. I am not able to do it alone.

We talked about that too. He said he doesn't want me to.

This is already a long post but i want to post one last thing.

When I was on my mission, Elder Wirthlin gave a talk about Charity. I was on the left side of him and I could see Elder Nelson come up and hold  him and support him. I felt like I SAW CHARITY. I SAW IT. I FELT IT.  I feel like this is the love the babies dad had for me. 

"We all yearn to experience love like this. Even when we make mistakes, we hope others will love us in spite of our shortcomings—even if we don’t deserve it."

That was me, I wanted love i didn't deserve.

At 7:52 He starts shaking and says the part so so important to my soul today.

The means of this refinement is our Christlike love. There is no pain it cannot soften, no bitterness it cannot remove, no hatred it cannot alter. The Greek playwright Sophocles wrote: “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.”15
Read the whole talk here

I love this family and I feel like I really am meant to be connected to them, just as they say. I gave them a baby and they gave me the hope, love and gifts I could never have without them.

They amaze me. They keep my heart burning. They are who pray for me and who want my pure happiness. They are just amazing.

I am still a little shocked and floored at the out pouring love that they have for me. Someone who should have been stoned, someone who wants to break, someone who wrote these posts this week. They love me still. They want and believe in me. They are strong for me and with me.

“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.”15

I love you and if you need help, reach out for it.

Love Alice

Friday night


Just as I was about to drive to a major city and go on a shopping spree then decided if I really had enough courage to go to a bar alone and find someone and just live that life I decided to call my friend. He is a dad to a girl who lives more then far away and he doesn't see her. Last week we talked about how I feel like a single mom with no kids he feels the same. Okay that is him. He loves his baby's mama and propsed 2 times to get nos to both. TEAR RIGHT.

I called him.

He was feeling the same as me. LOW LOW LOW and DEPRESSED beyond belief. He said things like even if a good girl came along he wouldn't want her and all this stuff. SAD stuff. Now looking back he forgot who he was and needed to be reminded. I should remind him.

Well I went to his house went hot tubin and then another friend of ours came, we got dressed up SUPER spiffy and went to dinner. He was the epitome of chivalrous. It was lovely.

Somethings I liked about what he said that night.

I wish I could get a bottle of wine and drink it all
out of the blue comment. You need a boob guy. I find you attractive. You just need to find a boob guy.
Are we not married because we are old?
You look great in your swimsuit
You lost your baby weight fast

I love him. Being with him started to give me a thread of hope because he was AS LOW as me and he was saying and believing stuff that I said all day and listening to hm it sounded absurd and MISERY LOVES COMPANY and I loved being with him even though we laughed.

He has the cutest dog that laid his head on my lap and it melted me in half.

So he kinda saved me because one of the guys that didn't text me back after a back and forth convo of me telling him that I wanted to be naughty and he him telling me I would regret it he texted me back at 10 PM and it would have been the the precise moment for us to be breaking our covenants and leaving God.

My friend who was of his low of low saved me that night. Everything inside of me was fighting to not call him and I did. Everything inside of me was telling me it would solve the problem to go be INSANE and instead I went hot tubing and to a nice restaurant and watched a movie.

Although I still felt that HAZZY dark depression cloud with me, it was eased with the presence of these two.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I hate today

nobody happy better see me today.

I hate today

I hate saying hate and I want to say it every single second.

I found out the baby is being sealed to his family. I could really just die. It is TO much. I can't stop crying. I can't stop feeling so much hate from GOD. I feel like leaving everything I have ever stood for and leaving it. I want to start everything. Drinking, smoking, all drugs and I HAVE NEVER been tempted by this before. I want to meet a guy at the bar and go home with him and make my own baby. I want to see if I can have babies today based off my period. I want to do everything wrong. I want to fulfill every urge. I want to have these feelings leave by being physical with another guy.

Oh would my future husband think this was attractive? I don't have a future husband. THERE IS SO REASON TO THINK THAT PLEASSSSE


I don't get a husband, I don't get a baby, all my friends are gone. I have no plans tonight, I have nothing. I am nothing.

I am uncontrollable today.

I think this is one of the lowest I have felt in a long time.

I really just want to be held. I want someone. Nobody wants me.

I don't want sympathy from someone who knows about my situation. I think that is why I don't tell people about my situation. I don't want fake sympathy and I can't tell if they are being real or what they say behind my back.

My coworker is playing slit your wrist music. I love it. I have cried  already listening to it.

I need help.

I want someone else to abuse my body. I want to feel nothing. I want to regret it. to bad everyone who would do this is busy tonight and that I have found good guys to be around.


I hate today.

life is not fun sometimes


Last year around 9 PM tonight it will be a year since I went to see if I was pregnant and I was. For some reason this week this has been ROUGH. I am mad at everyone. I mad so mad at the dad. He doesn't ever tell me how he feels and it hurts my feelings. I feel like I did such a service and what can he do nothing. He doesn't tell me how grateful, he doesn't ask if I need a blessing. I am just needing a man to love me and he can't even love me for giving him a baby.

What would I change about the dad
1. I would have him write his feelings down. FACE THE WORLD BUDDY! There are people around you that love you and need your love and you don't give it.
2. You better be grateful for your son and your wife. I wish I could see this more in him
3. You need to tell me that you are thankful and talk about my feelings.
4. I DO NEED  a strong example of a man in my life and that just might have to be you to bless me because nobody else cares or is in the situation to. I need  you to ask if I need a blessing and I do. Except I hate you so much I am not going to ask for one
5. I need to see you serve your family with a smile, You seem grumpy and it bothers me.
6. I need to see you care,

I am mad at him. I KNOW he would die if he were to read this. I don't know why I am targeting him in my grief but I am. I just think if he has so much why doesn't he be more thankful. (scoffing) I know it sounds just so MEAN and rude but I need affirmation. I get to hear from his wife who is so loving and with them loosing their dog and everything this week I am sure they are really going through a tough week. I don't doubt it but these are really feelings and feelings of grief.

It is interesting I choose to hate the dad.

I kinda hate everything though. I hate that my sister, though she doesn't have the best husband has the cutest babies and I have nobody.

I haven't talked to anyone on purpose this week. It has been SUCH A HARD week. I would say by far my 2nd hardest week. The first was saying goodbye to my baby and when he wasn't mine any more. Now I gave him away. I am going through every part of grief. I am SO SO SO depressed. More then ever. I am so SO SO full of hate. Hate towards almost everyone who has a better life then me. I am not mad at my caseworker though. I am mad at the guy who got me prego and donated a sperm to my body. I am full of HATE. I am going through why I didn't just keep the baby and have him to hold. I am SO deprived of it.

Yet I am feeling the extremes because God is constantly with me. He REALLY IS> I feel the most hate and love from God all at the same time.

My friend is friends with this family.
IF I HEAR ONE MORE THING ABOUT HOW GREAT THEY ARE, I am going to burst. I don't care how great they are cause every time you say how great they are I am going to kill over.

I feel so sick and nasty but I REALLY have these feelings and if I don't feel them I think they will just disappear and come back later BIG AND STRONG.

I have hated the family before. It seems ridiculous after I am through this but for now I don't care. I am mad. I do think they are selfish to think and ever complain that things are hard. They have a baby. I don't.

I lately feel like a single mother with no children.

Blessings of the week.

The lady I visit teach wants me to watch her baby so her husband and her can go on date.
The families dog died- I know that is mean but I am kinda grateful because I dunno, they have everything. They get the smiles and they get people to see the baby from MY BELLY they get to dress him up they get to hug him, they get to kiss him and they get to post pictures of him on facebook, they get to do everything. Me- I get grief. depression up the ying yang and anger pouring from my heart.
I got to go to the best class last night.
I picked up my cousins from gymnastics and this little 4 year old who has some sort of disability loved me and wanted me to hold her and laugh with her. IT MADE ME FEEL SO SO LOVED. I could cry it meant so much.
My best friend drove up to visit me and I wasn't alone for 24 hours
A lady in the neighborhood called and asked me to come over and see her.
I got to see my other friend and although for some reason I am mad at her it was still good to see her. LOL oh man I am a nasty these days.
I got to talk to her yesterday too
I do love the family, I texted the mom last night that I love thinking of you LOVES LOVES, I do still love them but I feel a jealousy and hatred too. It is awkward and odd and I am probably developing a brain problem and will be in a mental hospital but at least I have a reason, I GAVE MY BABY AWAY!!

Oh well, life goes on and I am pretty happy today. Just feeling extreme emotions. I had a great work out today. It feels so empowering to work your body.

This is the song in my heart, BAM!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

feeling a tiny bit better


I talked to my mom this morning and she said she would depressed with me. It was exactly what I needed.

I talked to my X BF last night, he is the only person I know who stays up late. Love him for that.

Monday, November 4, 2013


skip yourself the heartache and don't read below.

reliving last year

the 8th was the day that I finally took the test. I was suppose to have my period on the first. Now, though I shouldn't have my period for a few weeks, I feel like that. I keep waiting to have my period, everyday. I wake up and think, I haven't had it.

I just got done watching million dollar baby.

I really could cry that anyone goes through this world and that a mom carries a baby in her a part of her.

Today honestly has been kinda a hard day. I am REALLY fighting thoughts that make me wish I didn't place him. It is all selfish thoughts. I wish I could have someone to hold and hug. I wish that with my family thing this weekend I got to take him with me. Being alone is so hard. What's ironic is I feel bad for the girl off of the million dollar baby and I am just like her. Alone.

I know not everyone has these thoughts but I do. I have thoughts of who would really care if I did happen to die. I have nobody to live for. Nobody needs my income, just me and 10 percent for tithe. Really, why do I have to suffer so much in this world. WHY ALONE? I think I might have to get some sort of pet that can snuggle but really I like to go out of town.

All month I was telling myself how good of a person I am. Now, I am fighting depression. It takes everything to do anything. I try and push everything out.

I miss the baby.

I miss him wiggling in me and i miss that I don't get to have him.

Tonight babies mom said she was going to read my blog. I really think this is so sad. It is the worst part. GRIEVING HER SON. I am devastated. I want to take care of him. I want to hold him. I want to feel his breath on my skin. I want to feed him.

Instead I have a snake that won't eat. Frogs that are needing a man and fish that somehow are surviving.

I bought life.

I can't buy a husband. One that I can love but really it wouldn't be healthy.

As I was talking to babies mom on the phone I told her that I don't get anything I want.

I really don't.

I have been fasting to have a husband for months, for years. I have none.

Today I feel ugly, fat, worth nothing. My hair is falling out everywhere and that use to be my favorite part of myself. Now I will have no hair and be ugly and never marry.

These posts are so depressing.

You know those people who are positive through everything. WHY HOW? I don't see the point. I want to feel my feelings.

I'll never sleep and I am going to the gym in the morning. Maybe it will make my stretch marks disappear and every negative thought.

If only things could be easier alone but guess what, I wasn't meant to be alone. I wasn't meant to just live here and be a nothing.

but i am nothing

men just hate me.

I really don't know if the babies dad even cares. I think babies mom does. I know I have a few friends that care. I wish I could have fallen asleep so I wouldn't think and then feel so terrible. I called my x, he's busy. Nobody is ever awake at 12.

I need a miracle. Someone to care. I need an angel


maybe I will never be a mom and I will just never have more children. I am so sad. I could never measure to be the mother that baby has. She does everything.

13 Guaranteed Ways to Make Yourself Sad

  1. Think about what you don’t have. (a baby)
  2. Focus on what someone didn’t do for you. (nobody will marry me or date)
  3. Think about what other’s have that you don’t. (a  baby)
  4. Compare yourself to others. ( I am terrible at life)
  5. Replay stupid things you’ve done over and over again in your mind. ( broke the commandments)
  6. Stay angry. (that one is easy)
  7. Sulk about how unfair life is. (sulking)
  8. Refuse to forgive. ( I really hate myself)
  9. Complain. (as above)
  10. Complain some more. (Above)
  11. Continue to review your hurts over and over again. (above)
  12. Beat yourself up. (above)
  13. Think about how miserable you are. ( I reallllllly am)

sweet puppy

Goodbye babies dog, I just heard that the families dog isn't doing good.

The selfish part of me is happy baby gets more attention (although they give plenty of love to baby)

The other selfish part of me is sad he doesn't get his dog but I guess it is good we know they are dog people and will get another soon.

My heart goes out to the family. May God send them oodles of peace