Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

I must say, somethings in life aren't easy.

John is SO SO SO annoying and hard to work with. Back in November I told him I wanted to be the one to tell my best friend (I have a lot of best friends) and the past week I have been thinking about how I feel like she knows. Well her husband and John were roommates at college and played football together. What do you know I asked him this.

I do have a question for you. Did you tell Best friends husband or best friend? ( I am not going to substitute their names.)

He responded
I'll overlook the fact that you didn't answer my question on when I can know the sex of the baby and that you did not acknowledge my request to see an ultrasound photo of my own child. But yes, I have talked to best friends husband and he told his wife because he thought I was joking at first.

First, Johnny boy have you thought maybe you should Google that?

For all of those who don't know, it is at 20 weeks.

Today I am 18 weeks and one day. WAHOO.

It was actually a great experience talking to my bestie about things and even though I felt like John went behind my back and did that after he said he would let me tell them. I am feeling better about things and we talked for about 3 hours and it felt like 30 minutes. What a relief. She might be coming with me to meet the family.

So the families caseworker is a girl I met when I was 15, I think I was 15... I dunno at a church camp.

She wrote me the nicest email saying she wouldn't judge me or tell a soul. I don't see her as the judging type but it is comforting that she isn't going to tell anyone. I am happy I know her but it is just one more thing for me.

I DO like that though because the family I have been talking to has been financially and emotionally scammed by girls. Girls, that is making all of us have a bad name.


I just got off the with my guy friend who took the prego test, he just told me that I need to realize that everyone can't be willing to talk just at anytime and I am going to have to realize that other people have lives.

HE MAKES ME SO MAD. I am not telling him anything anymore. He said this too, I am not your boyfriend and I am not the baby daddy so i can't deal with things all the time. I am so sad. So sad. It is like I am loosing him over this.

Overall I have been a tad bit emotional. I just don't know where to turn. I really do know that everyone has busy lives. It is just sad to go through this alone.

I can't even explain how alone I feel....it will work out and as the song that is on my pandora right now

"what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

Thanks Kelly Clarkson

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