Thursday, August 15, 2013

my babys other mommy

Yes, my sweet little guy has a mommy he is with everyday. She is his mommy. It is an odd thing to have two mommys. Yes it is. Especially when it is a mommy that had you and a mommy that raises you.

I love this mommy. She is mommy. I am mama Alice. Lol

I was thinking just how hard it is and was to place little baby into a family I knew was meant to be his. I knew he was meant for them. I knew it in my heart so strong it took away all fear in my life regarding my sweet baby.

First, I love and have always loved other mommy. She is a light and a shining woman. She has gifts that ooze out of her. She is valient and kind. She is nurturing and honest. She is perfect to be a mommy. She has a love for her husband that is undeniable.

She just called me and it was SO SO SO nice to talk to her. She is on a little trip with her husbands family and I have been trying to give her space. TRYING SO HARD. I just can't though and she said she misses me too. I can't tell you how great it has all been.

One day I will write more about this wonderful lady but for now, I just had to let out that I love her perfectly.

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